It is useful because you can use it to do a number of things like query your license status, and also to install license keys.ĬScript OSPP.vbs /InpKey:ABCD-EFGH-IJKLM-NOPQ-RSTU OSPP.vbs is a script located in “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15” and is used for Office Licensing Activation. The solution I came up with was to use OSPP.vbs to install a license key. The problem was, it didn’t have that option listed.

I read on a forum that one possible solution to the failure to activate was to go into an Office application, go to File, then Account and use the change license button to enter a new key. This is on brand new PCs with a trial of 2013 installed, or partially installed and after i have registered the key with a Live ID. I have had several occurrences now of Office 2013 failing to activate.