Best gear for Driving Simulation Games PC
Best gear for Driving Simulation Games PC

All the vehicles are either based on real prototypes, or are popular choices to use when competing in competitions.

best gear for Driving Simulation Games PC

You’ll find yourself switching between the more suitable cars depending on the terrain on the tracks. As well as a variety of locations to race in you also have a nice array of vehicles that you can gradually unlock, starting off with the basic and cheap looking Samurai, in total there’s 20 off-road vehicles including the monstrous Swamper, the sleek Farmer and the lightweight Tarzan. In total there are six exotic locations for you to drive around, including Thailand, Africa and the USA, all vastly different from the next and each having their own climates. You may have played Off-Road style games in the past on the SNES or Nintendo Wii but you’ll find this one quite different as it is quite the simulator, you’ll find no simple arcade frolicking is allowed in this harsh realistic simulation, forcing you into the severe toughness of driving in bad, boggy off-road conditions.

best gear for Driving Simulation Games PC

Not many games of the racing genre take advantage of Epic’s engine but that’s exactly what 1C have done with Off-Road Drive. When looking at simulator games on the market you wouldn’t usually expect one to be made using the Unreal 3 Engine, of course with a wider variety of games using the engine, like the recent Adam’s Venture games as well as Zumba Fitness, as not everything is about big guys with big guns.

Best gear for Driving Simulation Games PC